Thank You!

Apr 12, 2012 20:17

Thank you so very much to everyone who has tried to help me out with my problem in locating a copy of the book "Once Were Warriors". I really do appreciate the efforts that have been made to help me out, and I will make sure my nephew knows what wonderful people are out there, too.

In the end, I scrolled through the ebay listings, found a seller based in Melbourne and made arrangements for quick postage of the book. It was paid for this morning, posted this afternoon and I hope to get it in Monday's post. Mind you, knowing first hand what Australia Post can be like, I won't panic unless it hasn't turned up by Wednesday. Regardless, the seller will be getting a fully positive rating from me, because of his fast response to my questions, and his quick action after I purchased the book.

I will also be having a little chat with my nephew, and advising him not to wait until two weeks before the due date of an assignment before telling us he can't find a copy of the book he needs to read.

Again, thank you all very, very much, and I promise to get cracking on typing up more of "Different Shades of Darkness", as promised.

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thank you.

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