How are You?

Jun 07, 2013 23:13

How are You?
Pairings: Sooyoung / Siwon
Rating: G
Genre: angst
A/N: Prompt from the ate bamthegreat on my "Stick your heart inside of my chest keep it warm here while we rest. Tell them this love hasn't changed me, hasn't changed me at all."


I miss you.

It’s one of those songs that I can imagine us half-mumbling half-singing together - you on your guitar and me mumbling lyrics because they're in English.

How long has it been, anyway? Days turned weeks and weeks have turned into months and then I stopped counting. They say time heals everything, but how can it when I couldn't even bear throw that calendar where we scribbled important dates together?

My friends keep telling me to move out and move on but how can I? Everything has changed but it hasn't changed me at all.

How's heaven, honey?

sooyoung / siwon

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