If it’s always second guessing with you - I’d rather not.

Jan 20, 2012 19:24

Title: If it's always second-guessing with you - I'd rather not.
Genre: General
Rating: G
Pairing: Super Junior: Kyuhyun and Girls' Generation: Sooyoung


You grab a hold of her hand, but you’ve got a hold on my heart.

Maybe if things were different -

If we shared the same schedule.

If we shared the same inside jokes.

If we were given a chance.

Maybe I’d have your hands and your heart.

But that’s it - there was never a chance.

Maybe there was, but I was busy calculating my every move with you to even notice.

Maybe that was the problem - it’s always second-guessing with you.

(It’s never an impulsive, “Hello oppa!” but a meek, “Hello.”

t’ll take me 5 minutes before I can compose a reply to a simple “You girls did great today!”)

I had to be careful of my feelings because if I wasn’t, things would get complicated.

If I wasn’t careful, I would have expectations.

Expectations are expensive - and I don’t have that much of a luxury.

But then again -

No matter how much I try, you won’t know (or you could at least pretend not to).

I tend to prod and prod but never really poke.

When I loudly laugh and do things for you, just thank me with a crinkle in your eyes.

Because I'm a careful second-guesser.

(I do wonder if you know everytime you look at me.)

Just when I was about to stop second-guessing,

just when I was about to stop being careful,

just when I was about to become impulsive,

you grab a hold of her hand.

It’s a hard scene to watch, and It makes me sick to my stomach.

(Those hands should have been my hands.

That smile should have been mine.)

Just when a melodious greeting was fighting to come out,
(A well-practiced "Hello~ Kyu oppa~"
And maybe something along the lines of... I like you.
A lot.)

I hesitate.

I’d rather not.

sooyoung, *blubtrflynflats, sooyoung / kyuhyun

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