May 31, 2005 11:40
Ok I'm back, I had to run to the gas station. Anyway, so I'm laying there in the bed and they had to take blood from me three different times all in the same arm and it was starting to hurt! Motherfuckers. Sorry, I get crabby. So after the doc looked me over and tested me a gazillion times, he comes up with the idea that I may have an adrenal gland tumor. Now, when he told me that, I thought my heart would spike to 200 bpm and I felt fear grip my heart...but, my pulse stayed the same. Well we know it's not anxiety, which is what I was hoping for. As far as having the possibility of a tumor, I'm not too scared about it anymore. If I do, it's benign because they don't see any precancerous cells in my blood. Whew...good thing. The doctor said that to be able to diagnose something like this is every doctor's dream because it's so rare. However, I failed to mention I'm the Queen of Rarity. Who else has to have surgery due to a reaction in their own boob? Nobody I know! Anyway, if this is the case, it can be taken care of with medicine or probably surgery. I'm voting medicine. If it's not this, then I'm going to keep freaking out because I hate not knowing what's wrong with me. My heart is consistently racing, normally about 110 bpm and my body is sooo tired of it! Doing the littlest thing, like getting up to get a drink is exhausting. I just drove the gas station and I felt so weak and wanted to pass out. No good, I'm telling you. I don't know how I'm going to work tonight :( I'll probably have another update for you guys soon on the possibility of me moving out with Gina and what's going on with me. Adios muchachos