
Oct 25, 2005 08:15

Jacked from the LJ of waffles2poles

20 random thoughts:

1. What do I say?

2. Morning hunger is worse than nighttime hunger

3. After this entry, I have to focus on work...got way too much to do today.

4. I'm starting to wonder if I did something to make God angry.

5. My life is complete chaos right now.  I wish there was a pill I could take for that.

6. Why, every six months or so, some random psycho has to fuck with me?

7. If I keep to myself and mind my own business, why can't others just do the same?

8. I think I'm going to take a break in about 2 hours so I can start reading "Sins & Secrets".

9. I haven't had sex since August....maybe that's why my life is chaotic....I can't redirect that sexual energy.

10. Dayum....that accident REALLY messed up my back.

11. I wonder how that is going to affect things whenever I *do* have sex again.

12. I wanna hear some acoustic Dave Matthews.

13. Shit!!  My back is hurting!

14. Sharing some of my random thoughts could get me in trouble.

15. I'm having a bad hair day....I guess that's what I get for blow-drying it straight.

16. Where's my oatmeal?

17. Hmmm...I'm stuck now...this is harder than I thought.

18. I hope I get some good news today....I sure could use it.

19. I wonder what made me listen to the gospel music station this morning instead of my usual cd's.

20. Last one. Okay, what do I say? Got it!  Betcha don't know what movie this line is from:  "Would you like to hear some poetry?"

I think I'm supposed to tag others....but instead....if you stumble upon this, and it interests you....then consider yourself tagged.

Spread love y'all.   Peace.

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