Prompt drabbles 2

Feb 15, 2010 17:16

 Title: Credit where Credit is Due

Word count: ~600
Rated: pg (Language, as usual)
Notes: S2; vague spoilers through 2.22 
Genre: Gen
Characters: Dean, Azazel, mentions of Sam and John
Disclaimer: Supernatural and it's characters belongs to WB/The CW, I own nothing and make no money.
A/N For melanth0 , who wanted non-slash Dean and Azazel inspired by the quote “Luke I Am Your Father.” Crazy lady! I hope you got something you wanted…

Azazel was never one to put all his eggs in one basket. He had dozens of “special” kiddies running around hopped up on his blood, any of them capable of opening the door to Hell and getting the party started. But really, it always had to be Sammy and Azazel knew it. That’s why Mary had to die before she could raise her son the wrong way, and that’s why Azazel slipped into Daddy Winchester’s meat when he passed out in the nursery, used him to carry Sammy, his favorite, to safety- along with the kid holding him.

After that, Azazel had been a silent partner to the Winchester trio. Thing they don’t tell you in hunter Sunday school is that once a demon gets in you, they can come back for a visit anytime. No need for the big black smoke cloud show, just a little gasp and the eyes go black. Or not- even that part is discretionary. You can just sit in the mind and wait. Watch. Influence. Your host won’t even know, if you’re careful, and Azazel is. It was a regular laugh riot to feel John’s surprise and horror at the things he did, thinking all the while it was only personal demons making him so cruel.

Azazel meant to watch Sammy, make sure that the little squalling log would eventually be his champion. But the baby didn’t hold his interest like his older brother, all alert and wide eyed and broken. And then, there was a memory of the man he would become, hard snarling mouth promising to kill him, Satan’s right hand. It was laughable that this quiet little boy would grow up ballsy enough to make that threat, much less follow through. Azazel used Johns face to deride Dean’s aim, Johns voice to mock him for running too slowly, and it was Azazel who made him all hungry for love and quick to anger. He watched Dean turn into a cold-blooded, unquestioning killer and laughed because Mary would hate this son, hate him to his core. It was too perfect.

In the cabin, Azazel meant to tell Dean. He started off drawing parallels, making points about Dean’s place in his family that only someone with an inside track would know. It was frankly a little hurtful that Dean didn’t understand. Why did Dean think they’d never hunted demons as kids, why Dad had always steered them away when demons were the very thing they should have been hunting most? But Dean didn’t get it, and then he started back-talking Azazel like he never did John, and that made Azazel too mad to spell it out. He should have killed Dean then. But he enjoyed drawing it out too much, ended up fleeing rather than finishing the job.

The thing is, Sam wound up John’s kid, full of vengeance and too selfishly stubborn to be much use. But Dean is Azazel’s. If Azazel wasn’t Dean’s father as much as John, why did he happily take an equal hand in saving the boy’s life after the crash? If Azazel wasn’t Dean’s father, why didn’t he kill him quick in the cemetery rather than taking the time to praise him? And if Azazel wasn’t Dean’s real father, it would make no sense that the last thought crossing his mind as the fire sparked under his skin was not, “fucking punk kid did me in, “ but, “Well hell, my boy had it in him after all.”

fic, other pov, spn, s2, dark, gen, drabble

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