Happy Four Months...

May 03, 2010 10:29

Dear Andre,

Your four month birthday snuck up on me and with having Grandma here, I didn't get around to writing until now.

You continue to be a beautiful boy. You are still growing everyday and we see new glimpses of the boy you are becoming. Chewing on your hand or directing an invisible choir are two of your favorite things to do. I love that you have taken it upon yourself to keep sleeping through the night. It makes mama function so much better when she gets 6-8 hours of sleep and I think in turn helps you have a happier home life.

This month flew by! You celebrated your first Easter and slept right through dinner and the Easter egg hunt. Next year, I'm sure you'll be right in the middle of all of it. You did manage to have a cute Easter outfit and you were a good boy in church for the extra long service.

The doctor said you could start having solids this month but we are holding off. Maybe it is our desire for you to stay a baby for longer and feeding you solids sounds so "grown up". I am loving the way you try to hold your bottle but just can't quite get the knack of it. Sometimes you hold it and pop it out of your mouth and then get mad. Your little indignant cries are still the cutest thing ever.

You weight over 17 lbs now and people are commenting about how chubby you are getting. We are glad you are growing big and strong, maybe someday all the mass in your thighs will be muscle and you'll be a speed skater or a star of track and field. Most likely, you will do the opposite of whatever we dream, but that will be ok too. I am happy to be the one to see it all unfold.


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