thanx maximus.

Feb 25, 2007 20:09

1. Where is your cell phone? on top of my econ textbook

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? far away in the land of calabasas drunk.

3. Your hair? short and a plethora of colors

5. Your father? in switzerland

6. Your favorite thing? as of now: massages and white gummy bear smoothies

7. Your dream last night? 2 penises on one person.

8. Your favorite drink? white gummi bear smoothie

9. Your dream car? fj. or supraa

10. The room you're in? my room

11. Your ex? probably sitting inside a macy's bored

12. You are? a sex toy

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? alive

14. Who did you hang out with last night? derrick

15. What you're not? a man.

16. Muffins? i liek muffin tops. hey does anyone wanna go to souplantation?

17. One of your wish list items? out of debtness and a 2 bedroom condominium

18. Where is the? money man.

19. The last thing you did? carefully watched my hands without leaning over the sink, which is a health code violation in hospitals.

20. What are you wearin? flourescent pink thermal and "badass" studded jeans. race thought they were badass...i just think theyre jeans.

21. Your TV? sits still on its stand, covered with a coat of dust.

22. Your pet? is floating at the top of its tank on its side

23. Your computer? makes an annoying droning sound....just like all others

24. Your life? could be easier

25. Your mood? content

26. MISSING? my fuckin camera

27. What are you thinking about right now? when is david gonna call and how drunk is derrick

28. Your car? named bubby.

29. Your work? guarded by mica

30. Your summer? definately hawaii. deposit max!

31. Your relationship status? seperated by 66.8 miles.

32. Your favorite color? purple mountain majesty

33. When was the last time you laughed? when my mom put here two arms in the air, with the peace signs and inhaled and said "ur gonan break up with derrick soon, i can feel it in the air."

34. Last time you cried? this morning when i yawned.

35. Last person you hugged? saqib when he left work.
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