(no subject)

Feb 04, 2008 08:57

One of my many grandmas (Harry's mom, the youngest grandparent in the bunch) felt ill on her vacation and so she checked into a hospital.

It turns out that she has stage 4 colon cancer.

According to Web MD only 5% of people with stage 4 cancer survive for 5 years after treatment. Regaurdless of this statistic, her whole family is acting like she has a flu and she'll get over it in a few days.

She had an operation on Wed. to remove part of her intestine and colon (but she will still need chemo) and apparently she recovered from the surgery so quickly that she was planning on attending church on Sunday.

It's going to be a long road.

This is the exact same condition that killed my uncle 8 years ago.

While she is in Florida, Ernie and I are watching her ancient cat April. We call her the world's oldest cat partly because she's 19, and partly because she's so slow moving and crotchity. She loves people, but seems to hate Mr. Mo's youthful energy. All I have to do is look at her and she purrs, all he has to do is walk by her and she growls. But she's cute so we're glad to have her.

I hope that she doesn't die of old age while she's here. That would suck. And I would be paranoid that it would be like the ET connection with the flower (when April doesn't do well, niether would Maria?)

Anyway, that's my life at the moment.
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