
Sep 05, 2008 11:32

Wow, it's been a while since I've written on here ^^;;; Over 6months... ehehe... sorry, y'all. Just to update: After being jobless for 3months, I finally got a job yesterday at Movieworld! WOO! I have a new, loving, beautiful boyfriend, James-kun ^_^o who actually tells me he loves me and lives in QLD (damn redcliffe is still a long way away ._. but better than melbourne!), I'm trying to get into Animation at Uni (finally dropped Teaching) and have about a month to submit my portfolio~ (which I should really be working on right now ^^;; )

aaand.... yeah.... that's about it XD nada much exciting.

I'm just very very happy ^__^o The begginning of this year was one of the worst for me.... I got dumped horribly by Josh - but things seem to be okay between us now... Matt-Matt has been living with me since March. Which is AWESOME!! Though I still don't get to see him very much cos our timetables are different >.o

Aaaaand now I'm gonna go sketch lol


xx Laur

changes james animation

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