Mar 10, 2009 00:26
I'm leaving Family Dollar for good...hands down
I start my job at Burger King wednesday
No its not very glorious but its a job that pays better than what i'm doing right now
I'm getting annoyed with video games....i dont really want to play them anymore
The only reason why I do is because i have a very small social life
Kinda got cut down even more so now that joe and jess are living with ang which i figured would happen.
ang probably doesn't have much money to spend on gas to come over
i'm not whining about it just accepting really. not much else to do about that
i've accepted a lot of things this past year that i haven't been able to
i'm not really sure what i should focus on now.
my attention is sparatic
again i still think that i am allergic to the springtime
i think i've become oracle like...
well not for myself so much but for other people
i can only hope i'm wrong in all my cases......
i guess all i have left to do now is go back to the old Pook,
writing and drawing and try to force in some reading.
gosh i used to destroy some good books...
I could use it.....i really need a break from the radiation glow of my computer screen...
in the mean time i guess i'll be working on my book.
maybe i can finish this one and publish?
maybe maybe not...who cares..