On that fucking note.............

Dec 16, 2003 05:17

Your karmic zodiac is ARIES.
Good Qualities: You are strongwilled, a natural
born leader, and assertive. You know what you
want, and you know how to get it. You don't
mind getting your hands dirty with an honest
days work, but would be better off in a
leadership position. You are an excellent
speaker, and with Mars on your side, you
usually win your battles.
Bad Qualities: You are stubourn, and need to learn
to meet others in the middle occasionally. You
have aggresive tendencies, which in some
situations are a very bad thing. You are also
very temermental, and can be set off by
slightest thing.
Best Match: Sagittarius
Best to Avoid: Libra, Aries.

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