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Nov 18, 2003 22:37

Did a Metic buttload of paperwork,and did bill writing today!Got my SUv back today:)Feels weird to drive it again after not having it,for over a month!They finally got the bumper on right,and a few other things done,that were not done!Stopped by Ross today,just to see what they got in:P..And picked up a matching set of wrought iron dragon candle holders(*wall mount type,holds 2 candles each,and weigh about 8 lbs each!)I figure they'd look nice on my porch:)
Talked to my Aunt who lives in Boca Raton today!Apparently her boyfriend has the same type of cancer as my fther did:(And she has been driving him up to Tampa(about 3 hours from Boca)everyday for radiation and kemo therapy!So she has been super super busy!!!!!When it rains it fucking pours doesn't it!!!!!!*sigh......
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