TWEWY 1 week challenge, day 7 --- final day!

Apr 12, 2012 15:36

Title: None

Rating: T for language
Pairing: NekuJosh
Genre: Crack/low quality
Length: Not very long
Summary: Nekky and Josh-Josh were sitting on a couch in Wildkat.

Nekky and Josh-Josh were sitting on a couch in Wildkat.
"Hey," Joshua said. "Want me to give you a blowjob?"
"A what?" Neku said.
"Oh, Neku," Joshua said, giggling. "Don't tell me you don't know what a 'blowjob' is."
"I know what one is!" Neku snapped, blushing red. "And no, I don't want one. Quit asking me stupid things."
He turned away from Joshua and folded his arms. 
"Suit yourself..." Joshua said, turning away too. They sat in silence like that for a minute. It was really hot outside and they were both sweating. They were sweating so much that their shirts stuck to their bodies and the city pollution had stuck to their skin in a layer. After a minute of silence, Neku peeked back at Joshua a little, like he was curious.
"Hey, Josh..." he said quietly. "When you say that stuff, you're kidding right? You're not being serious?"
"Hm?" Joshua said. He was surprised at Neku's sudden interest, but quickly sank into a grin. "What stuff do I say?" He asked innocently.
"You know what I mean," Neku snapped, his temper rising.
Joshua stretched his arms above him lazily, making the leather couch sag and squeak.
"But why don't you just say so in the first place? What stuff do I say, Neku?"
Neku blushed red with anger, but reminded himself that getting him angry was exactly what Joshua wanted to do. He took a breath. If he wanted to ask Joshua a question, he would have to play along with him.
"You know, about blowjobs... and asking to take my clothes off and stuff."
Joshua smiled to hear Neku say those words.
"Oh, that?" He said. He thought about it a little before replying. "I guess... I am kidding, since I know you won't say yes." He smiled. "But I really wish you would."
"So it's true, then." Neku said slowly. "You do... like other guys?"   
"Well, yeah. But no more than I like the girls. I guess I'm the type who just sleeps with everyone."
Neku furrowed his sweaty brow in concern.
"Aren't you a bit young for that?" He said.
"Nah." Joshua closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the sofa. "Though I'm not surprised you say that. Mother and father said the same thing when they found out what their 'precious little angel' was doing in his spare time. Only I don't think theyrealized that if I didn't get myself murdered and dumped in a ditch somewhere from what I was doing, then I'd only die from slitting my wrists with boredom. Sometimes I think I WANTED to be murdered or something because at least it would be interesting. I'd do anything to get rid of it. The boredom, I mean. My whole life was just a big long attempt to get rid of it." 
Joshua waved his hand as he said that last part, his eyes still closed. Neku sat for a moment wondering how much of what he had just said was true. Joshua hadn't exactly struck him as the type to work as a rent boy while he was alive, but now that he thought about it, it did explain a lot of things about the way he generally acted. Neku screwed his eyes up at Joshua's exposed neck, wondering how many people had kissed it or left hickeys on it before. He was wondering what it would look like for Joshua's perfect skin to be blemished for once when he suddenly realised what he was thinking, and looked away, blushing. 
Joshua caught Neku staring at him and smirked to himself.
"Hey," He said. "Are you sure you don't want a blowjob? I'm really good at them, you know."

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