Apr 30, 2005 20:08
i NeVeR stoPPeD LoViN u. . . . i JuSt StOpPeD LeTtiN iT shOw!
YoU gAvE Me YoUr UpS
WhEn I WaS FeElInG DoWn
YoU GaVe Me YoUr SmIlEs
WhEn I BeGaN To FrOwN
YoU GaVe me YoUr ArMs
WhEn I NeEdEd A HuG
YoU GaVe Me YoUr HeArt
WhEn I NeEdEd SoMeOnE To LoVe!
iT ToOk Me By CoMpLeTe SuRpRiSe
WhEn My HeArT GoT LoSt iN HiS EyEs,
He*S NoT At aLL WhAt i WaS LoOkiN FoR,
BuT He*S aLL i WaNt AnD So MuCh MoRe
i*M sO TiReD BuT I cAn*T sLeEp
StAnDiN On ThE eDgE oF sOmEtHiN MuCh 2 DeEp
iT*s FuNnY HoW I fEeL sO MuCh BuT i cAn*T sAy a wOrD
i*M sCrEaMiN InSiDe BuT i cAn*T bE hEaRd
SoMeTiMeS i LiE aWaKe LoOKiN aT tHe SkY
sEeiN tHe StArS aS bRiGhT aS yOuR eYeS
wAiTiN iMpAtiEnTLy tO hEaR yOuR vOiCe
iF iT wAs Up tO Me ThErE wOuLd Be No ChOiCe
LyiN bESiDe yOu iS wHeRe i WoULd Be
JuSt tO bE iN yOuR aRmS iS aLL i NeEd*
.<3 lOvE iisz liike a star*
you knOw reachiin fOr
iit isz iimpOssiible, but
yOu keep Reachiing
hOpiing that 1 Day ThE
staRR miight Fall...fOr -yOu-
ThErE mUsT bE a MiLLiOn wAyS i CaNt fInD
tO teLL yOu ThAt yOUR on mY MiNd
hOw dO i fInD ThE wOrDs tO SaY
ThAt yOu'Re ThE oNe i tHiNk AbOuT eAcH DaY
aS i wAtCh yOU FaLL fOr thAt othEr gIrL
hOw do i TeLL yOu ThAt yOu'Re mY wOrLd
if yOu LooK iNsiDe a GirL`s [*.H - e - a - R - t.*]
yOu`D sEe HoW MuCh ShE :'ReaLLy': criEZ
y0u'll finD secrets hidden, Best friends, and Lies
. buT . whaT .y0u`LL . See . thE . Most .
is hOw l | [ HarD ] | l it iS to sTay [ ( strOng ) ]
wheN Nothing`s right anD EveRythinG is wrOng
You -CaN'T- just *KiSs* me and expect it to (nOt) mean anything...
You -CaN'T- just *WaLk* away from me with (nO) regrets or :.SeCoNd ThOuGhTs.:
...You -CaN'T- just *TrEaT* me like I'm (nOt) even :.WoRtHy.: of your [sMiLe]..
Yet you -HaVe,- You *dId,* And you (aRe..)
-SoMeTiMeS iTz hArD tO LeT tHiNgZ gO-
-WhEn yOu oNLy KnOw hOW tO haNg oN-
-SoMeTiMes iTz hArD tO LoOk BaCk-
-WhEn EvErYtHiNG u HaD iS goNe-
iM sTaRiNg aT yOuR pHoToGrApH
ReMeMbErInG eAcH mOmEnT yOu mAdE mE LaUgH
i NeVeR tHoUgHt tHiS wOuLd eNd ThIs WaY
ThAt iD sTiLL bE mISSiNg YoU
*..tO tHiS vErY dAy..*
When yoU lOve sOmeOne
there`s noThiNg yoU can dO
.. yoU can`t cOntrOl yOuR heart..
It cOntrOls YoU
WhEn YoU [LoVe] SoMeOnE thAt [DoEsNt LoVe YoU bAcK]
ItZ hArd TO FiNd a WaY tO sTaY oN tRaCk
It LeAvEz YoU [hEaRtBrOkEn] anD [hUrTs] So MuChh
i guEsS thAtS wHy ThEY cAlL iT a [CrUsH]
i WaNnA bE tHe GirL YoU CaLL bAbY,tHe GirL yOu CaLL yoUr OWn,thE GirL yOu HoLd in Your arMs And FaLL aSLeeP wiT on tHe pHonE, tHe giRl Who maKes yoUr baD daYs beTtEr, anD thE GirL thAt WiLL maKe yOu saY my LiFe HaS ChAnGeD siNce i meT HeR
*You Know What One Of The Worst Things About Breaking Up With Someone Is When Some Stupid Person Comes Up To You And Asks Are You Still Going Out With So And So Or How Have You Two Been Doing Lately You Just Want To Melt Right Then And There It's Little Things Like That That Make You Realize I'm Not Over Him Yet
For o n c e in my [[ l i f e ]]
i don`t have to t.r.y to be *happy
b e c a u s e o f y o u '` ,
__|[ i t j u s t h a p p e n s ]|
x O _ ii lOve yOu _ O x
ClOsE yOuR eYeS aNd CoUnT bY 2's..
aNd wHeN yOu GeT tO 5..
- tHaTs wHeN i'Ll -
s T o P - l O v I n G - y O o
wHen You aSked mE iF i waS oKaY..
i dIdNt AnSwEr cUz i wAs tOo bUsy lOokIng
aT yOu wiTh * hEr *
Everythiing u d0 t0 me
makes me l0ve y0u even
Love is when u miss him
even before he leaves when you
could listen to him talk all night and
never get tired of hearing his voice
when the sound of his name
sends chills down your spine
and you see his smile
the second you
close your
you know that qood feelinq of butterflies
in your stomache when you know that if
even for just a second you have crossed
his mind ;; && then you know that bad `'.
butterfly feelinq when you know that »
another girl has crossed his mind && that
girl . she is everythinq you want to be <|3
sometimes the one that broke your heart is the only one
that knows exactly where the pieces qo » sometimes ;;
the one that crushed your dreams i the only one who `'
can be trusted to put your heart back toqether - - x0o *
everyone keeps tellinq me
to just get over you && `'
move on but they obviously
don't understand just how
hard i've already tried . . .
:*:if i could take back one thinq
it would be the niqht i let you
out of my reach && into hers:*:
one day in the future you'll
realize you lost the best `'
thing you ever had - - <3
knowinq i could still have you ;;
hurts the most. knowinq i could
be the one you still call every `'
ten minutes. knowinq i could be
the one by your side toniqht - -
hurts the most but all of our `'
mistakes are all my regrets * <|3
i shOuldnt of had to say qoodbye
i wasn`t ready in [ a n y ] way x3
but now that i think Of it i never "
prepared to see this day
i can`t believe i was so stupid
i believed all your liesz i made`
the biqGest mistake and now "
x|3 my hearts criesz
EvEn thO I've stOppEd likin u..
Evry timE sum1 mEntiOns ur namE my hEd turns ritE tOward thEm.
It's likE Evry timE I hEar it, I think Of all that wE culd Of had,
& all that culd Of happEnEd..that didn't*
Ur thE oNLy gUy dAt i UnDeRsTaNd
Da bOy i CaN wALk WiTh hAnD iN hAnD
u MaKe mE sMiLe WhEn u CoMe nEaR
So If u EvA nEeD mE...BoY iM rIgHt hErE'
ThErE WiLL aLwAyZ Be ThaT [oNe sPeCiaL:..GuY]
ThaT No MaTTeR WuT He DoEs To YoU
~[oR h O w B a D H e h U r T z u]*
.YoU CaN [ N E V E R ] LeT HiM go
U KiSs My LiPz I CloSe My EyEz
AwAy We FloAt To PaRaDiSe
All ThE PeOpLe StOp To SeE
AnD SoFtly WhiSpA
*ThEy'Re MeAnT 2 Be*
x-The way i feel for u i cant describe-x-
-x-Its almost too intense to verbalize-x-
-x-Essentially ur all im living for-x-
-x-Basically each day i need u more-x-
[L][O][V][E] is giving him the ability to break your heart but
·trusting· him enough to know that he won't..
iF i LoOkEd YOu sTrAiGhT iN tHe EyEs
AnD ToLd yOu that I lOvEd YoU
( wOuLd yOu KiSS Me )
. oR .
( WaLk aWaY )
-- MisiNg yOu isNt tHe HarDest paRt. itS knOwIng tHat i oNce haD you. tHat brakEs mY heaRt i wIsH I NeVa gOt tO KnO yOu CuZ NoW The OnLy tHiNg i wAnNa Do iS bE AbLe To bE tHa oNe tHaT WiLL>..KiSs*HuG* AnD HoLd yOu*..*
One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart
...that you just can't say...
gOoD bYes aLwAyS huRT..
TheY mAke yOu ThInK abOuT
WhaT yOu HaD .-. wHaT yOu lOsT
nD' wHat yOu'Ve tAkeN fOr gRanTEd
((aNd tHeRe ((yOu)) ArE .. hOLdInG ((Her)) haND .. aNd ((iM)) LOsT trYN tO ((uNdeRsTanD))
*-*I uSed tO sMiLe wHen I tOLd ppL yOu WeRe mInE*-*
-*-nOw I caNT eVeN sMiLe aNd Say yOuR nAmE aT thE sAme tIMe-*-