Aug 24, 2005 02:09
well tonight was the last night out with my firends before school starts. it was fun me code manda n jackie all hung out. didnt do much just had lots of fun being fuckin stupid. i am an aunt to a beautiful boy named donavon thank you jackie. lol.
i am so scared its senior year, after this is over i will not talk to half the people i talk to now. i dont know it just all makes me think. this year is going to fly by n i am going to make the most of it. i think it will be my best year yet. i am not the stuck up bitch i used to be. i think i have changed over the summer for the better n alot of people will prbably realize it. i cant wait only two more days n a whole new school year starts! i am EXCITED. my birthday is thursday so i want a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from everyone i see that day. if i dont i will be very much upset.
I was tlaknig to somone who made me realize to give up on the siht i have been holding on to n thinking about so i am trying to do just that. it will make my life alot easier if i just stop holding on to him b/c i no its not worth it. i have this strong feeling though that i am going to see him n still feel the way i do n want him back, i am going to try my hardest not to but i cant make any promises to myself. its very shitty i hate it!
this past weekend i actually talked to smoene i missed so much who understood me like crazy n still does. i wish we tlaked all the time but this was the first chance we got in the longest time n it made me happy :) hopefully it will change n by the end of this week things will be normal between him n I again. i will see what happens with that wish me luck!
you got me spinning like a merry-go-round...indication on a storm coming down!!!