Jan 29, 2005 16:55
I ran D&D last night. As always with this party it was pure comedy. Somehow the party keeps moving exactly in the direction I want the game to go but have avoided or ignored every single clue related to the plot that they have come across. The only character that has not had some weird thing happen to him is Stotchko the Cleric of Kord. Begonia the Dwarven Ranger Has Horns now form playing with a cursed whip that infects anyone who touches it with warp touch. Ittra the Drow wannabe assassin drank an Unidentified Potion which turned out to be liquid pain so now he is addicted. Musarri is still a wererat in fact he had his first change this session and managed to beat up the party pretty good even though he had 0 hit points. Begoina had to use her axe to stop him. When we left off Musarri was chained up in a shit filled cell on the first level of a underground temple of Gooy Evil! It good to be the DM.