Nov 20, 2005 15:06
It's my senior year. I'd like to think that this would give my class the insight to realize that sometimes there are more concerning things in our lives than the petty overdramatics of high school, but I know this will never be the case; it never has been for any before. But none of this will matter next year; no one will care who's talking about whom, and the last person to talk behind your back will be miles away, and probably couldn't care less about what you've become since then. In a year, these people won't matter...why should they matter now? Instead, we need to focus on the significant people in our lives, the people we've been able to depend on for the past 1, 5, 10, 15 years. What happens to them? This is a big step. All our lives, we've been within a few miles of each other. Going to a bigger school was going to the one across the street. We can't do that now; we can't all go somewhere together and study together and hang out and talk about our over-expecting teachers. We're not across the street. We're across the state. Across the country. The money we've spent on fast food, movies, and clothes are now going towards books and classes. And cell phone bills that suddenly jump when we realize we no longer have face-to-face contact with the people who were always minutes away. The people that matter. The people who will smile with you as they walk across the stage with you or the people you can look for in the crowd for comfort.
Keep in touch.
If you can't hold on, if you can't hold on...hold on.