-RaNdOm ThOuGhTs-

Dec 08, 2005 21:17

School has been quite fun this week minus my two SOL's which were ALOT easier than I expected*

I am actually happy for once and enjoying everything instead of being a bitch to everyone all the time*

Dave and Cody has learnt they can't beat me in B-S..no matter how hard they try :)

Basketball is going better..FINALLY*

Chloee is getting so big and so pretty*

I can't wait till Christmas Im so excited for once...this Christmas should be very good!!

2-hour delay tomorrw! yAy*

Don't know if I am going to the Holly Ball I have like less then a week to decide even if I want I doubt I will have a date..anybody??? ..lol-

If Deidra goes shopping the 17th I might go with her havent decided yet!

I cant think of anything this Im really tired and have labs due...I'll update more later!!

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