Aug 05, 2008 09:45
Why, oh, why, when I am supposed to be FINISHING editing this book, do I write nearly 4000 additional words for the last chapter? :headdesk: Okay, I know why--because the ending trailed off and wasn't a real ending, because I cut out the stuff I originally had after that point because I decided it belonged in a sequel (which it did). But what I had left wasn't technically an ending, because of that. I still needed an ending. And now I think I have one--I hope. Gah.
What I definitely do have is a paper copy of the whole thing, except for the last 20 pages or so (since I just wrote that bit last night and still need to print it out). Which means that I can do the hand-editing using the print-out while I also work on writing a query and drawing up a list of agents to send the query to. I also need to select a sample for anyone who asks for one, though, as well as providing a rough outline. I'm not sure about the sample part--should it be the first few pages of the book? Something I think is a particularly exciting scene? I think I need to go read up on this.
At least I definitely have something to do while lounging about on the beach in Wildwood later this month; we're going down to the shore for just a few days but it will be a welcome break. We got a room in an uber-cheap motel a block from the beach, rather than the nice B & B we stayed in last time (which was a good deal more expensive), but I told Rachel that she could revel in the cheesiness of the ugly motel decor, "just like on Supernatural". :snort:
Always spinning, that's me. :D Or should I say, "always whirling, whirling, whirling towards freedom..."