[Fanfic] Jealous

Sep 07, 2013 13:39

Title: Jealous
Author: me and my crazy imagination = blozzom_zone
Pairing: YutoHika, implied YabuHika and YutoYama
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, totally fluff
Summary: In which, Yuto wondered why it always has to be YabuHika and YamaJima a.ka. Yuto was being jealous 8D
Warning: Cross Gender (Hikaru is a girl here (and so is Yamada), I make it in that way since I’m more comfortable with that idea when I have to pair him or her in this case, with Yuto), un-beta, RARE OTP? lol

“Whyitalwayshastobeyabuhikaandyutoyama…” Yuto mumbled indistinctly, mostly to himself. Though he did hope the person who was sitting right beside him heard that too.

“Sorry, what did you say just now, Yuto? I didn’t really catch that.” Hikaru responded. Not the quite of response Yuto would like to hear from her, though.

“Nah, just forget that…” There no way he would say it twice.

Or maybe he would or he had to, to be exact. Since Hikaru have turned her attention from the magazine she was reading just now to him, completely.

Yuto sighed, “I said, why it always has to be yabuhika and yutoyama.”

There was a moment of silence, before Yuto could see a slight smile formed into Hikaru’s face which turned out to be a small laughter not long after.

“Right, just laugh Hikaru-nee…I’m sorry you have such a childish boyfriend.” Yuto pouted.

“I love that childish boyfriend of mine anyway, so no worries…” Hikaru smiled encouragingly after she finally could stop her laughter.

To which Yuto blushed slightly and faked cough right away to hide it. Futile attempt though, because Hikaru still could see the moment his cheeks turned slightly pink, clearly.  That was how good Hikaru knows him.

“I take that as I love you too, if that’s alright with you.” Hikaru continued straightforwardly as she casually laid her head on Yuto’s shoulder.

Another moment of silence, before finally Hikaru broke it.

“So, what were these yabuhika and yutoyama about?” She finally asked.

She was kinda curious what triggered her boyfriend to suddenly come up with this topic. Sure she knew, all of JUMP members knew, how fans loved to pair up some members, like in instance, her with Yabu while Yuto with Yamada. But still, it didn’t answer why Yuto would talk about that out of the blue.

“Oh well…that’s…” Yuto mumbled up his words, again.

He was hesitant and afraid, she knew it. He was afraid as if what he was going to say would sound childish to her. Seriously Yuto, didn’t she has just say that she loved that childish boyfriend of her?

“You could tell me anything, you know that, right?” Hikaru said as she gave a slight peck on her boyfriend’s cheek.

To which Yuto blushed again and Hikaru chuckled slightly.

“Well…?” Hikaru urged.

“I’ve just saw the set list for our next photo shots for the latest issue of myojo…” Yuto didn’t manage to finish his sentence.


“And…I was being paired with Yama-chan as usual, while you were with…well, you-know-who.”

“Who is you-know-who?” Hikaru asked the most obvious thing in the world, for Yuto at least.

“You know, the oldest…”


“So, that why it always has to be yabuhika and yamajima came up from.” Yuto summarized.

“Well, nothing’s new, right? They do love to pair you with Yama-chan while I’m with Ko…Yabu-kun.” Hikaru corrected her words instantly as she witnessed Yuto’s death glare on her attempt to call her childhood partner by his name.

“And, why do you think they love to do that, Hikaru-nee?”

Hikaru knitted her eyebrows together as she turned her gaze towards Yuto, predicting what kind of answer her boyfriend would like to hear.

“Because fans would love that?” Hikaru gave a shot, as she actually stating the truth.

“And why do fans love yabuhika and yutoyama that much?”

Oh my, this is gonna be a long night. Hikaru thought inwardly.

She answered anyway, “Because they believe that we shared childhood-sweethearts-who-would-turn-into-lovers kind of fate.”

“Who are ‘we’ here?” Yuto questioned.

Hikaru rolled her eyes, “You and Yama-chan, me and Yabu-ku…”

And she got cut mid sentence. “But we aren’t and you guys aren’t either.” Yuto proclaimed possessively.

“Right, you and me know that and so do Yabu-kun and Yama-chan, so this problem is settled.” Hikaru tried to drop off the subject.


“No but, Nakajima Yuto. I don’t love Yabu-kun in that way, okay?” Hikaru tried to assure her boyfriend as she softly tapped his cheeks from both sides.

Yuto looked Hikaru in the eyes and he could find sincerity and firmness there as if she was trying to convey how true the words she was saying just now. To this, Yuto naturally formed a smile as he leaned closer. Hikaru who knew best what was going to come, closed her eyes eventually. And when Yuto lips did meet hers delicately both of them couldn’t help to share smiles through the kiss.

That was when Hikaru’s childhood partner had to come and ruined the moment.

“Eww, not being lovey-dovey here, please you two…” Yabu joked as he covered his eyes purposely.

Hikaru hid her face on Yuto’s embrace due to embarrassment of being caught red-handed by their unofficial leader, as she heard her boyfriend encountered on her behalf, “As if you don’t like being lovey-dovey with Yama-chan yourself.” Yuto mocked.

“Well, that was exclusivity for being the unofficial leader and the golden member, you know…” Yabu winked playfully.

Yuto could only roll his eyes.

“Okay, this intruder is going now. Please continue whatever you guys were doing before I came in. Just make sure you guys come back to practice on time, we’re gonna start in 5 minutes you know~”

And with that Yabu left the room, not without brought Yamada’s phone in which Yuto noticed why he has came in the very first place.

“I think we should get back to practice, Hikaru-nee…”

“Yeah, let’s! Or else we’re gonna give that damn Yabu Kota more reason to tease us, geez…” Hikaru grumbled as she got up just to be pulled again by her boyfriend.

“I’m really sorry for being so childish just now, ne Hikaru-nee…”

“Haven’t I told you already that I love my childish boyfriend? Beside, you were adorable when you got jealous.” She teased him. “Now, let’s get back to practice before…”

Hikaru never had the chance to continue her words, as Yuto’s lips have softly proclaimed hers for the second time that day.

“I love you Hikaru-nee…Please never get tired of being with me…” Yuto begged candidly as he caressed Hikaru’s cheeks affectionately.

“Silly, there’s no way I would, right?” She exclaimed undoubtedly yet shyly due to Yuto’s boldness, because if you asked her, it was such a rare moment for Yuto to do so.

Yuto responded with a relieved smile, as he got Hikaru’s left hand on his. “Let’s get back to practice, then.”


P.S: It has been a while, a really pretty while, since my last story hasn't it? And last time I checked I was still a yabuhika stan that time. Well, I still love them, it's just not much as I used to. I adore yutohika more now, which is why they came as the main pairing here XD Gonna rant about this later on my personal post (if I wasn't being lazy) as for now, thanks for reading! Mind gimme some reviews? ;) It would be much appreciated :*

guardian angel yuto, itoshi no hika, fanfic: one shot, otp#6:hikayuto

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