Something I grabbed off Tumblr because I found it very poignant:
I want to tell you the real difference
Between “high-functioning” and “low-functioning”.
It’s all just a circus act; it’s not real.
It’s all about what makes you likable.
In other words, what the audience can enjoy.
Are you cute? Do you have charisma?
Can you dance? Can you sing?
And if you can’t do those things, what can you do?
What’s your talent? Can they sell it?
There’s a thin line, thin like a tightrope
Between what makes you worth their money
And what makes you disposable.
And guess what, my friend?
You’re always walking it.
If you’re different in a good way,
In other words, exploitable,
You might be fooled into thinking
That they all really love you.
It’s a trick, you fool,
And let me tell you why:
They may cheer you on when
You’re doing the trick they love.
But should you slip up on the act
Or do something unfamiliar instead,
You’ll be cast aside, locked away,
And maybe even killed
Just like all the other circus animals
That were labeled “defective”,
“Hard to handle”, and “hard to love.”
Just like all the “low-functioning” people
That you previously mocked.
Take it from me, a so-called “Aspie”,
Who’s outgrown being cute by nature
And must now find a new act.
If my current odd nature
Doesn’t suit any performance,
I know what’s in store for me.
And if that happens,
You’ll laugh at me, too,
Until you meet the same fate.
So, walk the tightrope
And don’t you dare fall.
I thought
quirkytizzy at the very least would find it astute.