Im bouncing off the walls again...

Jul 07, 2008 17:55

So this summer has been hard, a lot of experiences and what not.  Nothing really great and wonderful has come out of it, and I have missed a good many goals which sucks, but Im not going to give up.

I guess over the past few weeks Ive been taking a lot of stuff in, more so than usual.  I guess it started with Ashmo and Randall's wedding which was amazing.  I guess it hit me when we were in the certain department where you get a marriage license.  I guess I didn't really realize how serious a wedding is.  The wedding was amazing and Im really glad it happened, it kinda changed my life, just to see two people like that really hit home, it also made me question myself on a lot of my standpoints on life.  We had a great time and I shot some good photography, which Im really enjoying as of late, its like working on cars but easier... I might even be a little bit better at it than working on cars.

The wedding made me come to several conclusions about life:

The person you think you are, and the person you really are blurs a lot of lines.

The person you want to be will not happen over night, or be given to you, you must work on it just like everything else in life, it doesn't just happen, it takes time, patience, diligence, strong character, strength, and good morals to get there.  Its like a car that needs a lot of time and money to make it right, except its cheaper to change who you are, but harder to do from a personal standpoint.

You are not going to meet the woman of your dreams at a bar... youd think that this would be common sense by now

Alcohol makes trouble a lot easier to get into, weakens your judgment, and doesn't help you keep goals... it makes you sell out, and fast.  Small doses are ok but yeah

Im going to read my new Bible that Randall gave me, it is black leather and guilded in gold.

I want to become the person I see in my head on all counts, not the one in the mirror.

Nostalgia is a bitch, she teases you left and right, but no matter how good your game is, its not going to happen, and to fool yourself into thinking it will is like shitting in one hand and wishing in the other, you know which is going to fill up faster.

And finally taken from the wedding directly itself:
1 Corinthians 13

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

That and the passage that goes along the lines something to the effect that no one is perfect and that we all fail some times, but that love should still hold when a person does not deserve it.
That part knocked my mind for a loop for certain reasons, and just really changed my mind on when I find that person

Ok time to get dressed and go to the gym, I need to run : )
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