Feels Good To Be Home!!

Sep 19, 2004 17:09

Well I just got back from camping with ma Dad!!And I had a blast!lol on the way down we listened to my all time favorite...the Beach Boys...haha and we set up camp and ate lunch. And I duno what it is...but camping food is the absolute best!Well then...me and jenn and my dad were all climbing this one tree..and jenn and my dad got stuck up it in and I was the little one at the bottum laughing at them and taking pictures...ha im so wierd..anyways then we ate dinner later after walking down to the beach and omg!!!hot dog on a stick camping is the all time best to dads homemade mac salad on top!!haha Then i made a couple fone calls bc I missed you guys!!!haha andy!!You stil need to fill me in on what happend while I was gone hhaha Well we went to bed around 12 because everyone was soooo loud!!Omg and then this guy was singing a song from the wiggles fruit salad....dont ask how i know the song...but I just do...haha and then the people next to use were chinese so I would speak to them...haha blair Bong chong.Well yah...may sound pretty boring to all you poeeeeeple but I look forward to it every year!!But I am sooo glad to be home and clean with my cell phone...computer....ma BABY...uh missed that!!Well I didnt make asb but Life goes on!!!haha kaitlin. gotta go!!Dinner!!.xOx.NicOleee.xOx.
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