Nov 26, 2007 17:15

Okay so um... maybe no FOB recap for a while... here's why:

The cord for my laptop has always sucked, but the last straw was when it overheated and melted itself into broken-ness.
So I went online to order a new one and behold, Gateway will not ship to me. BECAUSE THEY'RE NO LONGER OPERATING IN CANADA. ARGH.

Soooo I paid 70 bucks for one off eBay. Worst idea... EVERR. The new cord fried my battery, and then fried my laptop from the inside. My laptop won't even run when it's plugged in- it's always out of juice. It's dead. I've only had it for a year and a half (and I had a one year warranty...)

So no laptop. All my fics are on it, all my family pictures, all my music *cries* and all my *cough* inspiration... for some of the scenes... in those fics...

That's the extent of my moaning and groaning. The point I guess is this: don't buy a Gateway... if you live in Canada.

A lot of stores are STILL selling them, but they're older models, and seriously, if you do you're on your own.

But on the brightside, Dad actually understands (weird) and agreed to pay half for a new one. A Dell XPS (*SQUEE!* HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE???) It's gonna have a built in camera (sorry in advance for the spams you will get) and it's super pretty. It's only... 750 dollars... for me. Aaaannnd the same amount for my Dad... yeah. YAY!

Not really. I'll be broke. Completely (and not amount of paychecks from the nursing home that cut my hours in half because I'm a teenager who called in sick once) with really get me back to where I was. BUT I'LL HAVE THE SWEETEST LAPPY EVER. And I'll be able to talk in mah room again :D.
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