There IS a God. And it's pretty obvious which way he swings, now isn't it? XD

Jul 10, 2006 08:05

It turns out it was easier to leave me here since I was staying with a friend in Barrhaven the day the family left for camp. So, I got a ride home and BAM! ONE WHOLE WEEK TO MYSELF. I guess this means ignore the last entry because I'm not going to the cabin after all and even though it sounds like fun, the real fun it singing at the top of your lungs, staying up late to watch pornographic films (out of curiousity of course), and eating ice cream for breakfast.

Also, I saw Pirates 2. I died and then orgasmed and then died and then couldn't stop thinking about how hot the movie made Jack Sparrow look.

Lastly, in other news:

Maybe I'm the last one to see this, but *EXPLODES*!!! HolyfuckARMSSSandchesetandeyesandASSSandpossesionandallIseeisCOCKtoCOCK. I don't think I have to point out what the body language is saying. Open hands, chest to chest, it's all there and I LOFF them! *FLAILS*

explode, pic, life, wow, squee, afi, tim arstrong, gay, too_many_tags

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