Red Lights

Feb 03, 2011 10:48

Title: Red Lights
Author: blove13 
Word Count: 502
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not Castle or The West Wing, which is what the quote I chose for this challenge is from.
Author Note: For castleland Challenge 15: Be Mine. It's supposed to be a shippy Valentine's Day fic but I kind of suck at writing those so this is what came out of it. It's been a long time since I've written anything and I've never written a Castle fic before.

Quote: 49. "If you were in an accident I wouldn't stop for red lights."
- Donna, The West Wing

"I mean really, who does that?"

Castle walked out of the interrogation room behind Beckett. "Her husband got seriously injured in a hit and run and-"

"He dislocated his shoulder, Castle. I'm not sure I would consider that 'seriously injured'," Beckett rolled her eyes and ducked her head, trying to hide her smile.

Castle ignored her.

"And even though the hospital notified her, he was still released before she managed to make it to pick him up."

"Traffic?" Ryan questioned, dropping a file onto the desk behind him.

"You'd think, right?" Castle went on, leaning closer to Ryan as if he were confiding a big secret. "And then, just as he was walking out the hospital doors, he's shot. Right through the heart." He clutched his chest dramatically.

"You like the wife for it?" Esposito asked, coming to stand beside his partner, Castle's antics capturing his attention.

Castle sighed miserably.

"She alibied out," Beckett explained as she skimmed the statement in her hand, seemingly ignoring the conversation the three men were indulging in. She'd never admit it, but she had immediately thought the same thing Castle was ranting about now. The last thing he needed to know was that she thought he was right though.

"Professional hit?" Ryan asked, watching a shadow fall across Castle's face. He misunderstood the expression on his face. "You think she hired somebody to take out her husband?"

"You're missing the point!" Castle finally exploded, his face red and eyes bulging a bit in aggravation, tossing his hands out in front of him in exasperation. After all, who cared about who killed the husband or why? "After the hospital notified Mrs Corbin of her husbands accident, she stopped at a grocery store for eggs. Eggs, of all things! Who really needs eggs that badly?"

"I like eggs," Esposito reasoned glancing between Castle and Ryan.

Castle ignored him.

"And then she went and stood in line at Starbucks for a half hour."

"People do love their Starbucks," Ryan nodded in complete understanding, turning his head to hide the smile that threatened to show on his face. Esposito coughed to cover his laugh.

"But it wasn't just eggs and coffee!" Castle pushed on, "she stopped off at the local book store and bought a book after all that. A book that was probably going to be there when her husband got out of the hospital."

"What book?" Ryan asked.

"That's irrelevant!" Castle grew impatient. Ryan and Esposito snickered to each other and clapped a hand on Castle's back, patting it in silent sympathy. They walked away still laughing quietly to each other.

"I'm just saying," Castle flushed red in mild embarrassment and called after the two guys.

"I'm just saying," he repeated in a lower voice and shrugged a shoulder at Kate, "if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for eggs."

Kate glanced up from her file to peek at him from underneath her eyelashes. "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights."

castleland, fic, castle, one shot

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