The opening of the series begins with Katara saying “Aang will save the world” while the series ends with Zuko saying “Aang brought balance back to the world”. I don’t know why this amuses me, but it does. The protagonist in the story beginning and ending the story?
On the same vein, sorry Aang, I’ve loved you since I saw you make fun of
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I agree that Katara should have given Zuko a friendly hug or kiss on the forehead after he stepped infront of a lightning to save her. I'm pleased that she rested a comforting hand on his back when they watched Azula's spectacular breakdown, but it would have been appropriate for a more physical demonstration after such a trauma.
I accept that Kataang was conceived from the beginning (even if it doesn't appeal to me) but I really believe Maiko was a last minute add-on to give Zuko a romantic partner at the end (to get him out of the way). I agree about Mai being a jarring add-on to the group
(of course, I also have to ask how Fire Lord Zuko manages to get away to Ba Sing Se and serve tea to his friends in Uncle's tea shop, when he's got a whole war-torn country to rule ( ... )
You'll excuse me, this pestering thing called -life- has decided to make itself known now that I've thrown myself into fandom once again.
I'll add you! [I love your input, it's nice to see a point of view that comes from a mature viewer with more understanding in life, I am in complete assurance that most Zutarians (despite what fandom haters say) are adults and have had these 'relationships' most claim we are missing.
Kataang as a ready-to-wear makes me sad. I think the only way to make it work is if he broke up with her for a while because he isn't sure if he loves her, or the idea of having her, or if she even returns the feelings as fully as he, and the he realized he loves her, but she has moved on (to Zuko!).
Still want to read your fic
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