(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 02:25


Woke up around 12, Tia came over, I cleaned up some, showered, then Ian came over. We hung out, were bored for a while. Then Matt, the GC one, came over, and weee chilled some more. We watched porn. Then Dre and Chad came over later, too. It was hella awesome. We were all sooo bored for the longest time, then me and Tia broke out the kareoke machine and partied. We rocked the mics. We got the guys to sing, too. Then me and Ian kept fighting, he was annoying me. He pantsed me like...4 times. And my white ass showed to everrrryone, and I didn't care at first, I thought it was rpetty funny, and then he just KEPT doing it. And I was forced to change into pants and a belt. Then me and Tia dressed up in sexy fat suits, u kno with the pillows and all that, and we had fat eprson sex in front of everyone, and then Matt picked my fat ass up. It was hilarious, teehehe...=P THEN, muahaha, WE PLAYED TWISTER! Me and Tia were still being fat, so it was hard to move around on the twister mat, and we were all very twisted up...ALMOST IN A MAD ORGY!...and then we fell on everyone. I wasn't really playing anyone tho, I was sitting on Matt and Chad, muahaha. We listen to Backstreet Boys and Spicegirls and stuff, lmao. OH. There were mad pillow fites. Lots of them. In my underwear. MUAHAHA.

We made concotions and I fed them to Matt and Chad, it was pretty ansty. Then Tia made a yummy one. We made other food and ate and yelled and messed around a lot, things were crazy. More porn. Then we watched Eurotrip. Everyone eventually went home sometime during the nite. I was on the phone with the other Matt when everyone but Ian was gone, and we were watching porn, and talking to Matt about it all. It was fucking hilarious. He is an awesome guy. Then tehre was some mad streaking and hot tub orgies going on, and that stuff.

Not much else going on. Me and Tia were gonna beach tomorrow with Matt (Palmetto Matt, not GC) and Chad or some other kids going up there, and the mall to birthday shop.

I <3 you Matt Bates.

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