This is probably a bad time to do this.

Nov 14, 2007 17:46

HELLO this is State of the Mun take 2. Tis the season for take 2s for me, it seems!

Toph -- A-ah. I have to say that recently I've been sort of orz about my playing her, she seems, I dunno, drab and boring compared to the rest of my castmates! |D A-ahahahaha~ THOUGH I LOEV MY CASTMATES LIKE WHOA, SERIOUSLY. S-so awesome, everyone. I. I just CAN HEAR ALL THEIR VOICES and THEY HAVE HILARIOUS THREADS AND ♥ ♥ ♥ S-so happy to have so much awesome in Avatarcast.

I'm playing Toph like I play her usually-- in general, I think I have her down, t-though I do wonder about some reactions and want to headdesk every time I think I'm Doing It Wrong. It's just that-- I put a lot less thought into playing her now than I used to, so every time I feel like my play is off, I think "o-oh man I could have fixed that if I wasn't being so air-headed when playing".

My toughest threads with her would be about sexuality and her insecurity about her looks. Sexuality because HONESTLY I DON'T KNOW. One day I will sit back and maybe essay on it and perhaps that would help. Insecurity about her looks is that-- people have told her that she's not ugly, and she believes them, and-- it's not that big a deal or what anymore but she still doesn't quite know how to respond to it. I'm not sure if this makes sense. I feel like her response to "you're pretty" shouldn't be... repetitive? Toph is slowly changing, but I don't want to be OOC.

Insecurity about playing her would probably go away after awhile; I'm not actually emo over her. Just a little wobbly.

Bloo askjdbflskj I-I honestly need to play him more. I NEVER REALIZED HE WAS AT 13 COMMENTS PER DAY AND THE LEAST PLAYED ON AVERAGE. ... Because I do posts with Mac with him! And not with Kanon. So. I think it's just a matter of getting him out more. Actually, randomly, it surprises me to find out that a number of people find him funny, b-because I'm not a very funny person. And. Yeah.

He still can't make normal conversation. Hahahahaha Bloo would never change /o/


Kanon: I am constantly terrified that I'M DOING IT WRONG. I love him but HE CAN SAY ANYTHING. W-while that makes for fantastic leeway, I have no idea if I'm saying the right things. I do enjoy playing him, though! Just today there was that anon confessions post and.. m-man I was so nervous playing Kanon, because he's smart and can make intelligent guesses and the anon thing was making me sit there and wonder what the heck I should say, because I don't know what's going on and what would work. And he could probably dish out good advice or say horrible things that would ultimately be effective, but Iiiii can't.

I love having such a different character-- I can toss him into different sorts of posts, compared to those that I toss Toph and Bloo in. I can probably come up with reasons for Kanon to NOT be effective (don't know the person, can't be particularly bothered, doesn't really care about the outcome, just poking around and finding information, only putting in a half hearted effort, he doesn't know everything anyway, acting stupid on purpose, etc. etc.), but yet, I just feel like I'm not doing him justice, aaand I'm not quite sure how to fix this. S-sob. Or perhaps I'm thinking too hard. WHO KNOWS.

OOC: Noooo real other OOC issues right now, I think? Uh... OH yeah, uh, as a PSA, I never mean any offense whenever I drop threads. I also don't hold anything against people who drop threads with me! I completely understand. I don't tend to ask people to continue threads, but that is my own personal preference not to ask! However, don't hesitate about asking me if you want to continue a thread. I don't mind it and I definitely don't bite I am flaily and retarded most of the time.

*flops over* Tell me if you have ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT MY PLAY, seriously. For any one of them. Or just say hi or tell me about your weather right now. ANYTHING GOOOOOES.

state of the mun, ooc

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