These are great. Annoying, pointless, wastes power and is one more thing to go wrong, but that's missing the point.
Through Christmas I've been trying to add lights to a few computers, and now I'm about ready to use a few glue sticks and just goo blue tree lights into the system. I don't care if it overheats, I'll backup into the network - I just want it blue.
The first attempt worked. The computer guru down in the Glebe harvested the components from my old 1.7 athelon and smuggled them into a new case, adding 256Mgs of ram. As Freewheeling Franklin says, Ram in times of no money is better than Money in times of no Ram. Not that ram will ever become short again just distant memories of the dark days now.. Anyhoow.. the new system is glowing blue. The kid loves it. He's starting to suspect it has old components - we have to upgrade to XP quick, and get it trimmed, or he'll fess the details.
So inspired I tried a second system. Bought some acrylic sheets, cut them to the size of the sides, pasted them on with industrial velcro and tried to put a cold cathode tube in. Found nowhere to attach it. Seems one needs an inverter for that. The glue gun is calling me now. And those blue blue led lights...