Whenever You Fall ~ YooSu oneshot

Oct 11, 2009 00:40

Title: Whenever You Fall
Length: One-shot
Pairings: YooSu
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Junsu's clumsiness was beyond help...but Yoochun thought otherwise.

For the amazing birthday girl, my chunniepooh umma, dewberrie. Happy b'day, bb♥ This is nothing much (and pretty lousy), but I hope you like. ILU. *kisses*

Also dedicate this to the love of my life, my su-shine yoosu_sarang♥ and my precious ummakin, swallowtt♥ :D

“Well, you saw my naked butt in the bathroom. And you feel depressed because yours isn’t as hot as mine.

rating: pg, genre: fluff, author: sal/espressoluv, fanfiction, length: one-shot

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