I've just realised that I've been spelling Alistair's name wrong (from DA:O) but I blame that on Supernatural because of Alastair (I do prefer that spelling though) and there was an Alastair in Tomb Raider: Legend, who I adored until what happened to him in Underworld... :(
Also, doesn't anyone else think that Shaun from Assassin's Creed 2 and
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And ew, spiders. You just made me check the desk. Thankfully, none around. But the laws of spider-paranoia say that because this has happened, I'll probably end up with one in bed or something.
Spider paranoia- i hate that- at my friends house once, she was like "we haven't seen any spiders for weeks" so, of course, we then saw three of them within an hour. But you live in Australia, right? It must be scarier because they can bite!
I try not to think about biting. If there's a big one, people tell me "Don't worry, it can't bite" and ignore it. I don't care if it can't bite, I want the bloody thing gone.
Worst spider story I've heard recently is from my friend - she was studying, and just as she leaned back, a huntsman (er, don't know if you've got those? Just think big. Not poisonous, but really big.) landed on the book, right where her head had been.
Other people are braver (read: stupider). There are some people who put a glass over the spider, slide some paper out of it and set it free outside.
Incidentally, my method remains the same for the giant spiders in DA:O. I close my eyes, hit random buttons and scream for party members to kill them.
I react in the same way, and they always squeal when they appear! and the web thing freaks me out... I never use Morrigan's spider form either!
Ugh, the web. Even the web without spiders makes me squeak. To be fair, I never use any of Morrigan's forms, but I especially avoid the spider one.
It's weird, I love playing as a mage, when I make my own character, but playing as Morrigan or Wynne just feels unnatural for some reason.
I prefer mages to warriors, but my absolute favourites are rogues. I blame TES: Oblivion for that. It was the first real custom-character I played, and I went straight for sneaking.
Sneaking is fun in Oblivion! And trying to break into people's houses and always getting caught. The only thing that annoyed me about that game was that I used to keep stealing everything by accident, and I was always so poor in that game!
Once I got used to it, I found thievery easily. So I stole almost everything on purpose. Thieves Guild + Dark Brotherhood where my favourite things ever. That and the Shivering Isles expansion.
I did find Oblivion scary most of the time though because you don't have a party, so I've never finished it.
I enjoyed not having a party. The few times you did have companions, they always got themselves killed. Alone, no one noticed you were there until their evil plans started falling to pieces. At least, they never noticed my super-sneaky thief characters.
I really do need to replay it though-I don't know why I let that game scare me! It's just certain games do that to me. The Fade in DA:O really freaks me out, too, so I hate the Circle Tower quest. And Tomb Raider: Legend- the level set in England is just horrible because it has a giant watersnake that tries to eat you.
I HATE The Fade. It's EVIL. It kind of semi-freaked me out too, just because I kept expecting something awful to happen. Which usually did. So it was less nerves, more anticipation. Same for Oblivion, which is another reason I favoured sneaking.
The darkspawn part of the Fade was so hard for me as a mage at first- I thought I was going to be stuck there forever!
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