Bliss Roleplay Tracker

Jan 26, 2023 17:39


Getting Found Part 1 - A MossClan warrior named Sparrowflight is on patrol when she finds two kits in a bush, all alone. Sparrowflight starts feeding the kits when it starts to rain.

Getting Found Part 2 - It's now raining. Aware the kits are clearly worried, Sparrowflight comforts them before taking them back home to her clans camp.

Moving In Part 1 - Sparrowflight brings the kits to camp, before being greeted by her sister and her friend. She decides to name them Blizzardkit and Nightkit.

Moving In Part 2 - Softheart watches the kits while Sparrowflight brings them food with Cardinalspring.

Kit games - Bliss meets Lunarkit and they try to play clan, but have a playfight in the end.

Mother bonding - Bliss decides to play with her mother.

Sibling bonding - Bliss and Night decide to playfight.

Playing clan - Bliss meets Serpentkit before they play clan.

Flowers? :0 - Bliss meets her new friend, Citrinekit, who gives her a white allium to wear behind her ear. Bliss gives her a yellow flower crown.

New friend - Bliss meets Fawnkit

Shade stuff - Bliss has a.. ``nice`` talk with Curlpaw.

Meeting the moon - Bliss meets Moonkit.

``Ma`` - Bliss finds her mother with a nice fern!

(To be linked if someone replies)  I typed: Blizzardkit looked at the medic den. The place she needed to explore. She smelt the herbs from outside the den, but she still decided to go in. She clawed at the ground for a moment before going inside. She saw lots of herbs. All of them seemed like ordinary plants, though. What would she do with them? She observed them, trying to figure out which herb was which herb. There was so little herbs though, she wished she could help..

Herbs, herbs, herbs - Bliss meets Herbkit and they explore the medic den.

Medic adventure - Night and Bliss will explore the medic den. And eat herbs, yeah.

Playfighting with Mint's child - Bliss meets Giraffekit and they playfight.

A fluffy adventure XD - Bliss meets Fluffykit and they eat herbs!

Medic child - Meeting Lemur

Le bean meets a medic apprentice - Meeting Rabbitpaw

Omg more flowerrrrr - Citre and Bliss bonding

FAM BONDIN??? - Noice Sparrow talks to le childs

Moony + Bliss - Bliss bonds with Moony :0

SIB PLAYFIGHT - Night & Bliss fight yes

More flower part 2 - Read part 1 f i r s t  :000

Kits aren't from bushes - Sparrow gives uhhhhh

Kit's aren't from bushes 2 - Uh

All threads from the past ended - starting now are continued threads

Mentor meeting - Meeting their mentor, Gingerbloom.

First time as an apprentice - Seeing Citre first time as app

Meeting again - Curltuft and Blizzardpaw

Sibling training - Training with Nighty

Non-Biological Cousin Training - now with fluffy

Shattered peace - Roseatteshatter fails to hunt a mouse when Blizzardpaw interrupts. Feeling ashamed and sorry, Blizzardpaw tries to make it up to him, and says they will do anything to.

Shadow into the light - Hearing Labra talk to them, they decide to train with Labradoritepaw, a shy and reserved cat.

Suspicious prickles - Blizzardpaw runs into Cactuswhisker who's sneaking out. But she's acting suspicious..

Part 2 - The thread above continued

Hunting game - Read it

Adding the "stars are back" soon

War announced - part I won't add because I don't have link butttt it's just Bliss supporting Heather's choice

Part 2 - Barely got to rp in it cause the whole clan mostly was there

Changing title soon - Ember

Is now in a rebellion group led by Flail

training w/ fluffy - second time?? :00

training w/ cocoa

sibling support

elder chat

unsure unsure aa




mentor talk






harsh memories


sorry if what i name a thread offends you i just type it cuz yes

note: this sh*t is out dated lmao
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