Friends Add
Copy and paste the following
friend add _near
friend add a_zured
friend add acrobatique
friend add artofpoison
friend add blind_certainty
friend add boredofbinary
friend add bravedreamer
friend add bulletbubbles
friend add cakebunny
friend add capt_on_deck
friend add carnivalsmile
friend add coldvalentine
friend add croissantkamen
friend add cupramen
friend add d_ramatics
friend add dreamingorchids
friend add e_litism
friend add eliteprodigy
friend add first_of_two
friend add frogdefender
friend add ganba_ganba
friend add heavenfists
friend add hi_voltage
friend add hitachiinx2
friend add irresolutely
friend add jadedoriya
friend add journalist_eyes
friend add keepin_it_cool
friend add kisa_this
friend add kon_loves_u
friend add kurapopsicle
friend add lightsfinale
friend add london_scythe
friend add lurkingdarkness
friend add managership
friend add maybelost
friend add morosedarkness
friend add nememorifacias
friend add never_in_shadow
friend add nihilisticwolf
friend add ninjapop_lacus
friend add numbered7
friend add ohtori_kyoya
friend add only_1truth
friend add ostian
friend add pa_system_papa
friend add peridotinsight
friend add petite_sumo
friend add pinkdevotion
friend add pinkenglishrose
friend add pure_ego
friend add purelightning
friend add r_oyalty
friend add re_embodied
friend add resonant_waters
friend add rock_rave_neo
friend add romanticdevilry
friend add ryuuga_hideki
friend add scarred_dolphin
friend add sensei_shigure
friend add shy_siren
friend add sieze_the_diety
friend add smokin_goggles
friend add soaring_siren
friend add sonata_demonica
friend add spoiledrichboy
friend add too_angelic
friend add uchiha_survivor
friend add upintoflames
friend add wiserfool
friend add with_puppets
friend add witha_vengeance
friend add workforasmile
friend add youngestancient
friend add zelljay
friend add any-card