I live on the East Coast and apparently there is this potentially deadly storm heading for us, which they named Frankenstorm, no I wish I was actually
kidding because any sense of impending doom is lost on the name and I just kind of choke and laugh. BEWARE THE FRANKENSTORM! IT WILL RAVAGE YOUR TREES AND MAYBE STEAL YOUR POWER! Your internet will be lost to the Frankenstorm! Rawr! And nope...can you like dramatically walk away from a storm without it uprooting you and throwing you across the length of a field? I really want to know.
I think the worst part about this whole thing isn't so much about the storm, but more so the fact that I had no idea about it until this morning. And my mind just went blank like, "Oh." And then I stopped caring cause it's called Frankenstorm, JFC.
So I kept seeing "BFF" like writen everywhere this morning, and I just keep on drifting in and out of thought over it. I used to have this really close friend. A best friend actually, and we used to do everything together, go everywhere together. We had all these plans about getting our own place, and wow we even argued over whether we'd have any pets because she was very fond of dogs and I was like nope because some how I felt like it would become my responsibility. The tragically classic married couple aka best friends. Finishing each others sentences. And I kind of cry about it now because these things don't last.
It kind of hits you hard when you realize how different you really are from the rest of the world (even among my friends I'm usually the oddball out). I kind of shrug about it now, but the other night my mother had said something about this former friend going through a similar situation as my family. Essentially, her father left, their house went into foreclosure...oh wow, similar story...are we really that different then? Yes. Because I stayed behind and helped my family out...I mean I ended up living with my boyfriend, but I am still around with my family, paying rent and shit for them (something that will have to end soon cause I will be doing an unpaid internship and stuff so yikes...what do!?). I didn't abandon my mom. My friend didn't follow that path...she moved in with her boyfriend and really didn't give two shits about her mom. Like...what? I don't know. It caught me off guard because she was so close with her. Probably closer with her then I will ever be with mine. So it's a bit shocking...and I don't even know why this matters, but I thought it was interesting how far our paths have diverged from each other. The world is a scary place.
It's essentially the end of October...and I'm still not okay with the fact that I have to wait until January for a new episode. I mean two months is doable...but it really isn't. Not to mention the fact that there is still no green light on a season 3!? Are you kidding?!?!?!?!
But whatever I try not to think about that too much because I'm still crying about everything else. And maybe I'm a crazy fangirl who is too emotionally attached to these characters, but I don't really care. They are my favorite things to latch on to.
Walllllllyyyyyyyyyy. Baaaaaaarrrrrrrrttttttt. Arrrrrttteeeeemiiiiissss. BLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEE. CONNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEERRRRR. And I'm not sure where to fling my feelings to because they all deserve an equal amount of those things. God, the past was a happier time though I cried then too and the only thing you had to worry about was just not blowing up something on a mission. BUT YOU ALWAYS DID AND IT WAS PERFECT. And Batman always said something about the blowing up part, but he was kind of pleased anyway because a lot more could have blown up. Good going.
So I essentially was among the dead the last few days. I was soooo sick. It still hurts. Today I'm better, but wow I felt like a train ran right through me yesterday. It was the most horrifying feeling in the world when you are essentially hacking up all your insides. It was not okay in the slightest. It's nice being able to smell things again. And I'm glad my brain seems to function a little better today. There was a point at work when I was just SOOOOO DONE WITH EVERYTHING. We have a tube transporter and I started typing in patient information in the 9 digit pinpad that you are supposed to use to send to a specific location. No. I was certain that I would obtain all of the patient information and just do things that you are not supposed to type on that thing. I'm happy I didn't attempt the melody for Funky Town...but I was far gone at that point so that was a missed opportunity. Oh, well.
My brain doesn't work very well on a Friday morning after the storm of a cold.