When one gets a new camera, one takes random pictures.
These are them. :) There are parrots. There are cats. There may even be a fish.
Cin thinks the new camera is VERY sexy.
He’s disapproving, but that’s sort of like saying he’s a grey.
Also disapproving, in a smaller grey sort of way.
This one isn’t at all disapproving - just a little rumpled.
Wing pits! And yes, she still has partially clipped wings. It does not slow her down, not even a little.
My gorgeous, beloved roseline sharks/Denisonii barbs.
The new camera is very good, but it’s not ‘flight pictures’ good yet. Or rather, we haven’t set it up right to be. :)
Theo has decided that the very, very small water dish is the right size to bathe in.
His colours are so rich and nice with this camera.
Look at how much water he threw around. Seriously.
So we took him upstairs for a real bath.
He doesn’t get into baths very often, but when he does, it’s epic.
Really epic.
Wet mohawk epic.
Man, he’s so cute when he’s all wet and silly.
He still looks a little cranky though.
Not as cranky as this though. Yes, she’s on top of Cthulhu. Yes, that’s appropriate.
Then, I went upstairs and found a basket of cats. All four of them, in fact.
We also got another snapshot of Microwave Cat(tm).
And finally, a beauty shot of Cody (with Ky’s evil in the background).
Originally published at
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