Skimbleshanks, 3/2011 - 5/30/2013

Jun 01, 2013 11:37

You can play no pranks with Skimbleshanks!
He’s a Cat that cannot be ignored;
So nothing goes wrong on the Northern Mail
When Skimbleshanks is aboard.

Sometimes, though, things go wrong.

Sometimes, your two year old cat has digestive problems and you take him to the vet, and the vet finds a mass.

And you do surgery, and you discover that the mass touches his entire digestive tract, from stomach to colon.

We euthanized Skimble on Wednesday, on the table. It was less than eight weeks from the time that he started having constipation to his death.

There was no other choice that could reasonably be made, but damn, damn does it hurt so much.

It’s the first time in ten years that there are only three cats in my household - though we had already done something to fix that a month and a bit ago. You’ll see, in the future.

For now, this is Skimble’s time.

Originally published at Rational Parrot Blog. You can comment here or there.

skimbleshanks, cats

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