A little while ago, my buddy Andrea started up a soap and lotion shop called
Holy Goats.
Being someone who enjoys soap, I thought I’d try some. However, before that, I want to discuss goats. Andrea is a home dairyer, which means she has goats in her backyard.
I visited there this summer and got to see first hand how her goats are kept. I met Miss May, who is the goat in her logo. I learned important things about how poorly she treats her goats.
As an example, Miss May would like us to know that there are times in every day where people DO NOT PET HER. As you can see, this is offensive.
Also, we do not let goats eat camera straps. That too is offensive and cruel to goats.
Only sometimes do people go out and hold down pine trees for goats to eat.
Baby goats are only occasionally provided with laps to cuddle in.
As you can see, these goats are deeply in need of people to buy soap so that they can have more cookies and more pine trees to eat and more visitors to pet them.
So, now that I’ve told you the torrid stories of the (extremely well cared for and happy) goats, let us talk about soap. The soap in question is glorious.
It smells wonderful, nearly good enough to eat, and it makes my skin beautifully soft. I haven’t gotten the lotion yet, but I’m going to guess it’s quite nice too.
In summary: Buy soap, provide goat cookies, and support a wonderful person who makes some really, really nice soap.
(Also, more goat cookies!)
Originally published at
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