I had a really good week at work. Nice way to come back after vacation.
Summer (once we get past the 4th of July) really is slow for the bakery. Enjoyed just helping customers, cleaning, and not being rushed. Gave away all the taffy I bought at York Beach. I did keep one blueberry flavored piece for me. Om.
On Sunday Dad took us out to the Winchester Woodfire Grill (fancy place we would not go to, but for coupons) for brunch again.
I went to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands 'My Girl,' by the Temptations came on, and since I was alone I was boogyin' down. Like, fake moonwalkin' back and forth in front of the mirror while I dried off my hands, boogyin. I shimmied up to the door, but walked out like a normal walking person, and saw a group of wait/host-people all dressed in black and sitting and standing off to the right of the front door. A tall dark haired girl had obviously been dancing, but jerked to a stop and tried not to smile as she said, 'I wasn't dancing.'
I half paused and said, 'I was dancing, too.' :)
Got the day off tomorrow. Going to go to school to do...school things. I have 7/10ths of my school tuition lined up. So, in two weeks I'll have the money ('cause this Friday my paycheck will be minuscule since I only worked one day in that pay period, but I'm going to make bank next week since I'll clock like...42 hours, heck yes!).
I've kind of had my head in the sand about school. I should have just gotten it all over with, but I forgot and then I was freakin' out about Dad with his job and stuff. I've briefly considered not even going to school this semester. Just working. It would be easy.
But I really like school, learning, being around people in that environment.
And I can tell from how I am generally perfectly content to work 5 days a week, 2:30-close every day, no variations, just the same shift and same tasks over and over, that I could so easily never go back to school. Just keep working in the bakery. Become assistant manager, so I could move out, and eventually bakery manager because I wouldn't do art anymore, and I'd become bitter about singing, and there wouldn't be anything left in my life except for bread, cakes, and helping people find ladyfingers. And I wouldn't mind except for sometimes, when I thought about it.
That hurts to think about, so I'm going to get school in order.
Haven't really considered what I'll take. Lit 1102, a science, hopefully another biology if I can find one, public speaking (but probably not, public speaking fills up fast), Italian II (if Professoressa Galiano still teaches it) and/or French III. No math. Maybe, maybe that music theory teacher will run a class Tuesday/Thursday (WHICH WOULD BE SO AWESOME, I'D BUILD MY ENTIRE SCHEDULE AROUND IT, I'D DRIVE THROUGH ATLANTA TRAFFIC FOR THAT CLASS, I WOULD BE THE BLOOD SACRIFICE AS LONG AS I KEPT ENOUGH BLOOD TO LIVE FOR THAT CLASS, but probably won't happen, the last two semesters it's been M/W/F or M/W only, but I can dream).
Anywhoodle, I'm meeting up with Jessica after I get back towards Woodstock and we're going to try and get tickets to the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie somewhere. Aiken went today, but couldn't get tickets for everyone, and I got her text after I was already at work. We'll see. Someone somewhere has some!
Laundry and cleaning in between all that and Harry Potter. Might make Jessica a costume to wear. XD
She was joking about it on the phone, but I was like, 'Well...' and I've got a bunch of random pieces of clothes and fabric that would do nicely. XD
Nanight Kiddies!
Got Justice?