Aug 01, 2006 12:35
WOO! I have the staff conference starting in a few days.
There's a new guy at work. Who's totally putting the moves on me. LOL I'm shocked and suprised. But also, a little flattered. *blushes*
What a great week this is going to be. Granted, I haven't gotten much done at work, in terms of actual work anyway.
He's so sweet and just full on. LOL It's completely unexpected. Why does he like me? Why??? I'm a dork who dresses like a dork and acts like a dork. I'm a bloody dork!!!! heheh
Oh look at me. I'm so giddy.
Ahh... I should go now I guess. I'll try to update you all soon. (If anything happens on the 2 day long conference) BTW. Yes, It IS overnight. lol KIDDING! You know me. I wouldn't do anything hasty or silly. :)