Nerd Entry.

Jan 29, 2010 02:49

I'm going to go ahead and state this in advance for those of you who haven't already heard. Come early March, expect me to shut myself away for a good 2-3 weeks. Unless you're really good at managing to coax me out of my hole.

March 9, 2010 BAYBEE. Actually, more like March 14th in my case. *winkwinknudgenudge*

I've done a good job this time around of not looking at too many of the trailers as they've been released (although they didn't release a lot, from what I saw). So I'm hoping I'll be going into this with very few things spoiled for me.

After the snoozefest that was XII, it's good to see them return to a pretty fast and furious ATB system. I'm not sure how I feel about the no MP thing, by I guess not having to worry about that limitation will be kind of nice. The graphics are of course absolutely breathtaking and are the best the series has to offer by far, but that's to be expected given it's the first game they've produced for this console generation as well as the first FF they've ever made in HD. Go stare at the first trailer (the one that pops up) for a minute. OMG. And they brought back the Sphere Grid! Well, something similar enough to it, at least. The characters seem a lot more lively and memorable than XII's gang (but then again, after a team of blonde hair, blue-eyed people plus a rabbit chick, anything's going to seem more lively). Although I guess I can't really hate on Balthier- he was the man, after all.

The more I watch the trailers, the higher the hopes I have for this game. From what I've read of the story, it looks to be a total clusterfuck of the awesome variety. XII's And X-2 was garbage. Which means the last good one they put out was FFX. You know when X was released? 2001. That was 9 years ago. Where oh where has the time gone? Though I suppose with Squeenix's intent on making a whole series of games out of the XIII world, they'd better make the initial entry into the canon one hell of a game. This game has been in development for at least the past 8 years- I remember concept sketches being released around the same time as the initial announcement for XII! I hope it lives to the hype surrounding it- initial reviews so far seem to agree that it does. Again, I have hope!

I like how they're trying to emulate the memorable character names by ripping from the Cloud idea. Lightning? Snow? Where's Sleet? Or Sunshine? How about Wintry Mix?

And I would like to know why the token black guy in the party has to have an afro. Furthermore, why does he have to have a baby chocobo living in it?

Also, the voice actor for Lightning is the same lady who did the voice for both Mary and Shelley Godwin in the Xenosaga games. <3

The more I watch this trailer, the more excited I get. Oooooooooh jeez.

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