May 27, 2004 17:56
Currently Playing: Talkie Walkie
I just woke up. It is 2:00 pm. Fuck Yeah.
Yesterday was Kenyon graduation. I tried to avoid thinking about it all day long. I knew most everyone who sucks on the campus was leaving, ensureing a save and happy exsistence for the rest of my years there. By the end of this year if someone even uttered the words "boys club" I wanted to murder an infant and then vomit all over its corpse. But at the same time when the vision of all of them crossing that stage - exiting my life - crossed my mind, I got that really awful feeling like I forgot to do something very important and it will come back to haunt me.
Speaking of things coming back to haunt me, I just found out that my best friend hooked up with that guy who "banged" the lacrosse player. And the moral is: everyone in the whole world sucks my cock.
I need a cup of coffee and a cigarette.
2:56 PM