Jul 16, 2004 01:05
Hellooo Everybody,
Well today was fantastic.
I got the morning off to do nothing but lounge around in my pinstripe pyjamas and lay in bed with the sun filtering through the slits in the blinds. divine.
I went to work in the evening (4-12 my favorite shift). I worked with a woman named Deb who I really disliked before I realized she's fucking awesome. Its always great to be surprised by a great person. Makes life a gem.
Right now I am listening to Ce Matin La by Air. The funky happy "blaagagagaga"s just came in and it makes me feel like I am on the cote d'ivoire.
Earlier today, in my morning glory, I spoke to Colin online. He can't speak English really untill the German school is over, so he was writing all in German. I understood everything he said, (not ever knowing the language,) and it reminded me how much I miss the linguist in me. I need to start with the french and italian and maybe german now. I am so ambitious lately.
Funny think happened tonight at Public Safety.
I was working with Chris. OCD. No joke. He does all these weird things. One of them being opening all the blinds in the bathroom windows. One of the windows looks out onto the drive where all the officers park their vans. I always have to shut them before I forget and pull my pants down and flash the night watchmen.
Tonight, as I was shutting the blind when who but Officer 212 pulls up and gets out of his van. He looks in and says hi, direct and friendly as always. Immediatly after he and I both realize i am in the bathroom, and we shared another awkward moment of tension. I was amused.
Later, he came up to me and said all professional like: "Marisa, I hope you were not thinking that I was trying to be too personal earlier when I said hello. I didnt realize that was the bathroom window right away". I kind of laughed it off, and told him not to worry.
But god damn.
It all made me want his holster even more. *oh shit!*
On another more substantial note, my summer project is creating a portfolio of portraits. I just got my digital camera fixed up again, so I've been going crazy. I was my only subject for a while, but i found that to be kind of jarring and vain, and finally I convinced mere and my mom to let me photograph them. Its great fun. The make up. the lighting. the colors. the backdrops. all in the name of beauty and aesthtics.
I needed to be creative again. Ive just spent too many months putzing around, being a waste of space. Productivity makes me so happy.
So I've decided that I am going to do an entire series by the time i get to Kenyon in the fall. I am more excited about this than I have been about anything in a long time.
how about i go to bed now.
yes, how bout that.
Goodnight all you fine people,