I miss Supernatural

Feb 27, 2011 15:26

I miss Supernatural… I remember how excited I used to be---how obsessed. I’d watch episode after episode to where I memorized all the titles of said episodes and lines. I’d drink an energy drink (back when I drank those) a few hours before a new episode just so I’d be very alert and awake. I would rewatch the last recent episode before the new one just so I remembered every single thing that occurred in it before. Everything I talked about (a small exaggeration, but close) would tie in with either an episode, or Sam and Dean. Just, something about the show XP

I was in love and obsessed ;_;

But then I stopped. I’ll admit (and I feel a tad ashamed about this) but I stopped watching it this season. I saw an episode, and not even the whole thing. I just… the first two seasons were so, so SO freaking awesome. I LOVED them. They were the ones that I rewatched and rewatched so often that I knew almost every line, and knew every title, and had a lot of “favorite” episodes. The third season was good, but not as good as the first two. The fourth, although I loved Castiel’s appearance, and a few other things that went on during the season, it just wasn’t as good as the others. The fifth… I slowly started becoming less enthusiastic about, and didn’t rewatch episodes, didn’t read spoilers, didn’t get as excited for Thursday to come. Sixth… well, I stopped like I said.

I’ve been thinking about the show a lot lately. Mainly because I’ve found icons/images, and it just brought back memories. I plan to watch the sixth season one day, but now I may have to just wait until the season is out on DVD and hope my library gets it. I don’t see myself buying it because I don’t even own the fifth season, and because I’m wary that I’ll even like the season at all.

I just… miss Sam and Dean :/ .... but not the clown O.O

i don't take credit for any of these photos; snagged them off weheartit.com ^^;

supernatural, rl

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