Sep 06, 2003 20:52
Well lately things have been pretty fucked up and gay shit whatever.I would feel a lot better if I could do so some Physical venting on Leah because frankly, I dont like her.I was at the movies the other day and I pulled Brian off to the side and the was like 10 feet behind him and I look over at her and shes staring right at him and Im like..Excuse me? Im talking..and you're not part of this Please do not listen to things you're not part of so shes fucking walks over and was were talking about me..
Im gonna slap that Bitch IZUP.
Ok so anyways..I'll talk about last night..went to the movies and shit..Things were ok..didnt really do much..Billy IM'ed my phone and was like DEVIN NEEDS HEAD so I said colleen would do it but she didnt god damnit.So she rubeed his penis and then I did.
That pretty much covers it.
Oh and I think guys dont like me because im such a bitch and a cunt towards people..apparently its a turn off.
AAAAND I need some fucking tight ass band shirts FUCKING DAMNIT.