Nov 22, 2004 06:20
I feel so sick right now I can not believe it.
I am so annoyed right now I can’t believe it.
I just do not understand why people have to make other peoples problems there own. I mean, I have never even felt the urge to do that before. Is it that there intellectual level is so low that they can not comprehend the fact that problems are always problems, no matter whose they are and it would be much easier to live without them. Or maybe they can not distinguish the difference from their problems and someone else’s. I mean guys; I am really at a loss when it comes to this. I just do not see what one would have to gain by taking someone else’s problem and making it yours.
Or maybe even more so, why would someone try to make their problem someone else’s? I mean they can obviously see that its not fun to deal with the problem that they are enduring, so what makes them think that someone would like to share the same agony as they are?
If anyone has the answers.... you should write a book.