Hi, everyone! This is my first post to the community. Discovered WitB in early August when I randomly caught Justice Painted Blind whilst channel-surfing and was absolutely blown away. Discovered the community the same day when I went on a mad hunt for anything and everything WitB-related on LJ. Hee. Am very, very glad this comm exists, I'd probably go mad otherwise.
I love, love, love the first three seasons of WitB. I think S2 is a bit weaker than S1 and S3, but I think they're brilliant as a cohesive whole. That said, I can't muster up any enthusiasm for S4. I watched the first two episodes but just can't find the interest to watch the next two, even though I've heard they're better. I think it's the way Carol was written out that's putting me off so much. I would've been perfectly content if Synchronicity had been the finale. It's not even that I need(ed) Tony and Carol to end up together in the end, because I loved the relationship they had and don't really know if I would've wanted to see it resolved, even if I don't think it would've been a bad thing if it were. Still, as avoidant and utterly devoted to her job as Carol might've been, I just can't wrap my head around how the way she left is supposed to be in character. And it's due to that, I think, that I can't buy into Tony's relationship with Alex, although part of it is due to the fact I didn't, well, think it was written that convincingly in 4x01. I wish I could - I've nothing against Simone Lahbib and I think she's a good actress. Plus, she has nice hair (shallow!) and I kind of adore her accent. I just can't buy the relationship.
So, after that longwinded explanation, my question is this - am I the only one who feels this way? I sort of expect to be, but I thought I'd ask out of (morbid?) curiosity. Yes.
Oh, and Showcase is rerunning Still She Cries tomorrow. I love that episode. Nobody's figured out what the song in the beginning was, no? Too bad.