As most of you are probably aware, there are several on-going fandom-centric charity auctions currently running to benefit flood relief in Australia. This is wonderful, but there's also a less well-publicized natural disaster going on in Brazil, which, as a developing nation without first-world infrastructure, needs aid at least as much as Australia.
A charity auction comm has been established for Brazilian flood relief at
helpbrazil2011, with donations currently going to UNICEF. If you write fic, please consider posting yourself for bids. I like to think of this as charity Yuletide, and would happily pitch my donation toward increasing the number of stories in my rarer fandoms. (And leave a link if you post so we can find you!)
I'm cross-posting this to comms for my smaller fandoms, and encourage you to do the same. (Mods, if this is too off-topic, please feel free to delete.)