Dec 18, 2006 21:07
Bored skull-less... not really but I felt like typing up a bunch of stuff. Final week has actually seemed pretty easy and it is very nice. No mass homework assignments or huge projects. English portfolio went over pretty nicely, my grade dropped from an A to a B but that was to be expected with her odd way of gradding them. The portfolio was worth 300 points, 30% of our grade. If we misplaced a comma or spelt a word wrong 50 points would be taken off, so one error would pretty much change my grade but that's okay because i'm happy with the B. Health was fun. I don't feel like I did awful on the final because Charles scored a half point lower than me... maybe because he went back and switched answers but still. I landed a nice A in the class and i'm happy with it. Government final went over okay. It wasn't as easy as the election exam but it was still pretty okay. Besides he always curves it based on the highest grade so i'm hoping it will be decent. Lit test was fun. I knew a lot of the questions and they were for the most part to the point which was odd for that class. Once again though I have no clue what I got. I took the 4th Bio exam and did rather poorly on it and had an overall 77% which is a C but since I wanted something higher and more impressive I took the optional cummulative final. I think I did terrific. I was very pleased with myself for remembering all the stuff. I felt like I actually walked away with something from the class. Since the lowest of the 5 exams are going to be dropped (only if you took the final which is the fifth one) so that should very much help my grade a least a little. Come on at least B range.
Friday I really wanted to see Dad and hang out with Nick for a bit as well as see Coal because I miss the little panther kitty. I had mom pick me up after she got off work and she dropped me off over there after making a wal-mart run. I finally figured out a gift I wanted to get Charles so I bought that while I was there. Played Guitar Hero II with Nick and that was fun. The songs are a little harder and the concepts are more difficult to get down but the two player mode is a blast. I found out the floors in the new house are really icky. I didn't notice before because it was dark but there are like old run in gum stains and sucker sticks around. I might get a giant throw rug for my room but I won't be staying in it long enough for it to really matter.
On Saturday Dad ran me out to Charles' so that I could go with his family to their Toledo Christmas Party thing. I got to meet Alex's friend Anthony and we all kinda hung out off to the side and talked as well as played Go Fish and War with little kid cards that were all animals and were numbered from 1-10. Galavanted around Meijers afterwards while his mom hunted for stuff. Ended up getting back to his house about 2ish I want to say and crashed.
Slept in on Sunday and it was nice. Started reading Dean Koontz's third book for his Odd Thomas series called Brother Odd. It kinda sucks. It might get better but who knows. His family had their little Christmas Party at his house so we pretty much stuck upstairs and played Guitar Hero while putting up with the dog. We got back to the school pretty early yesterday about 7ish. I wanted to get water or something to snack on from the Eateries but the doors seemed locked. I didn't want to look like an idiot and try again so I just walked to the gas station around the corner. Later Charles wanted to go so we headed over there and the doors were indeed locked. The Eateries closed at 8 instead of the normal 11 which completly sucks for anyone because there is no other place to get food for any residents with meal plan living on campus.
Sam and I have been bouncing off the idea of living in a dorm together and that sort of accumlated into Sam, Charles and I getting a two bedroom apartment together because we all dispise living on Cmapus. Charles wants his DDR and big bed. I want a big bed, Kitchen, and good food and Sam wants non campus food and non suckie campus living. So far this is sounding like a great idea and I can't think of any flaws. I have no problem with Sam and we seem to get along great... even if we do talk about ackward things at weird times.
Earlier today Charles and I hung out with Sam for a bit just to kill time and because there really wasn't anything else to do. We hung out here for a bit taking used stickers off of books to make them look new and then walked to Ned's to sell them back. I was upset that I didn't get as much as I should have for the Bio book but i'm just done complaining... it's stupid. On the way back I felt like we should be doing something else so I suggested on going out to eat and invited Sam along because truth be told, we need to see if we can all be in the same area together =P. Not really, I just wanted to spend more time with her because she is always so busy. Ended up going to Cici's in Charles' van and I felt like crapping for allowing her to sit in the back. I insisted on her sitting up front but she was in the back before I could stop her. Eh oh well. Cici's had crap food at first then they pulled out fresh stuff which was nice. It was fun eating out and getting to talk. Afterwards we galavanted Wal-Mart to kill more time. Played in the toy isle for a little bit then wandered into electronics and split up because I wanted to get Charles a couple more things. I found something I think he will like, but i'm not sure. If not I hope he at least makes it seem like he likes it. I also picked up something he seemed to need but i'm not entirely sure about that either. I think i'm set for x-mas shopping. Need to get a card and gift for another person but I have no clue what to get her or even what she would like. Eh i'll figure it out.
Anyways, all in all a good week but i'm going to go finish a game and a couple drawings. See ya.